'Connecting the Dots of Body, Mind and Social from a Basic Bitch Perspective.'
Latest Episodes
“Our Skin is a Mouth”… Skin Care, Eczema & Prescription Creams (BBHS005)
Kendall shares her personal story and struggle with Eczema. We get into the skin care industry and how it promotes prescription creams, and what they actually do to yo...
Welcome to Brady’s Red Light District (BBHS004)
We sat down for our first remote session and got into Red Light, Amber light, Sleep and how it all affects our rhythm. Was a nice little ditty, but we did lose him at ...
"We Did a Float" - The What We’ve Been Up To Series (BBHS003)
Welcome to the new “What We’ve Been Up To” (WWBUT) series. Join Ashley and I as we talk about the new things we’re trying and experimenting with. In this Series Kick O...